Allex Scissors — Fluorine Coated

One might not expect that scissors, such a primitive tool, would make way to Adrian’s Gear. I do not review just things that are technologically advanced—though one could argue these are “advanced” for scissors. Some review are just wonderful versions of classic tools. Some reviews are about the beautiful design, unique properties, or fine craftsmanship. Made in Japan, the precision and skill is quite enamoring.

Leave it up to the Japanese to create a pair of scissors that are desirable.

Allex scissors are both beautifully designed and fine in their craftsmanship. Forged from the single piece of stainless steel, the black version of these scissors are fluorine coated giving them unique resilience. The coating give the blades resistance to water, dust, grease, and prevents adhesives from sticking.

The matte black and minimalist design make one want to use them even when there is nothing to cut. Looking more like a piece of art at the MOMA, leaving these out on one’s desk won’t make it look messy but a contemporary art exhibit.

The blades are quite sharp and the action is very smooth with just enough “grit” to give a proper amount of resistance when operating and fine tactile feedback. 

The handles, lined with rubber, are wonderfully comfortable and slightly soft. Expecting one could cut all day with these scissors wouldn’t leave fingers sore or blistered, I imagines one’s hands getting tired before these scissors will cause any discomfort.

While there is not much more to say about scissors, form and function converge superbly in these. These scissors have won design awards for almost fifty years and when one has them in hand, it is very obvious why.

Starting out as a bit of research for some scissors to replace an old, worn-out pair turned into a favorite item for me. Expensive but highly recommended.

Allex Scissors — Silver or Black



Adrian Galli

Director and Cinematographer, I travel the world filming documentaries, narratives, music videos and commercials. My experience outside the film and TV industry has made me a 17 year Apple, Inc. veteran, with a love for design, photography, travel, great food, and science.

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